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Healing Sessions with Maestra Grace

¿Como le puedo servir?  How may I be of service?


Grace will begin your session with prayer accompanied by the burning of sacred herbs such as copal and sage in order to set the intention for healing, guidance, and protection. Next, she will offer you a cup of tea to sip during your plàtica (a heart-to-heart talk).


The plática is the time set aside for sharing why you are seeking help and to talk about your situation. During this time, she will also be attuned to receiving guidance on issues that may not be verbalized, but  are "seen" with her spiritual vision in order to ascertain how best to help you.

After the plática, which is usually about 15-20 minutes (unless you specifically request only a plática with no spiritual cleansing or hands on healing), she may perform one or a combination of the following: an egg limpia, which is the use of a raw egg in its shell to extract and shift energy in the auric field, and a barrida, a sweeping, with a consecrated bundle of peppertree or rosemary branches. In some cases, she may ask that you bring a bouquet of roses or carnations, which she will use instead of plants for your cleansing. In this way, stagnant energy is removed and released in order to promote good health and a positive mental attitude. She may  also use an ehecatlchichtli, an earthen whistle, or sing a healing song. Depending on your needs, she may follow the limpia with hands-on healing. A series of three sessions is usually recommended. Grace will also offer constructive feedback on how to create positive changes in a client's personal and professional life. Some clients request ongoing in-person or telephone coaching to help them stay on track with the goals discussed and agreed upon during their session.


Often clients experience relief from the effects of embedded trauma that was experienced in childhood or later in life. This may be due to molestation, rape, an accident, or the loss of a loved one through death or divorce. Just as every person is special in the eyes of spirit, every session is unique and individualized to meet the needs of the client and his/her family.


These rituals are known to shift and reconfigure energy patterns within the human energy field which can be a factor in soul wounds, fragmentation, and illness. Other rituals may also be indicated, either at the time of your first appointment or on another day. This may include holding relevant photographs or the burial of clothing or other item that may be associated with the event that is creating stress or illness. At times fasting, abstaining from sexual relations for a specified period of time, and/or drinking especially prepared herbal infusions may be recommended. 

A client's willingness to do their part in this process is critical to a long-term, stable, healthy outcome. To that end, clients are often given "homework" consisting of specific actions and behavioral changes that support the work done together. This may consist of setting up a home altar to help you hold the intent of your healing journey, herbal baths, or a short pilgrimage to a nearby sacred site.


It is important to know that you do not need to be ill in order to benefit from a limpia espiritual. A limpia can be a part of your wellness program -- this type of limpia is of shorter duration than one performed for serious illness or intrusive negative energies.

A limpia  or spiritual cleansing of a client’s home or office may also be required in order to purify the environment and support the effects of the personal limpia and to help generate blessings of peace, harmony and prosperity for the business and/or family.


There are specific days of the week and month during which certain healing rituals must be performed. If this applies to your situation, you will be told at the time of your session. You will also be asked to bring special items with you to your appointment. Children and Youth under age 18 must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian who must be present during the session.

How do you know if you need a limpia and/or healing session:


It can be as simple as just needing to give voice to your difficult emotions or experiences and need someone with empathic skills and strong intuitive sense. It can be due to not feeling well physically and not finding a medical reason for what you are experiencing. There are several indicators which an experienced curandera will recognize in order to determine whether a client needs a "wellness limpia" or whether it is an instance where it is clear that there is a strong negative energetic attachment present that is creating problems. In the more serious situations, some of the indicators may include, but are not limited to: a sense of disassociation (feeling out of your body), chronic and ongoing difficulty carrying out day-to-day tasks (whether at home or at work -- or both), noticing a new tendency to being accident-prone, what some persons call chronic bad luck (salacion) and/or persistent inability to fall asleep often coupled with nightmares. You should consult with a medical professional either before, or in conjunction with, your curanderismo session.

Maestra Grace is sometimes asked for help in the removal of spirits of deceased persons that may be negatively affecting the family's health by attaching themselves to a family member or the home -- this is a different type of limpia. In such cases, she may conduct special ceremonies to purify and bless both the client and the client's home. These rituals are especially important if there has beeen a death in the family, long-term unexplained illnesses, drug or alcohol addiction, or ongoing job losses. In some cases, members of the entire family will be included in the ceremony.

Family Pláticas and Consejos. Family Heart-to-Heart Talks and Guidance.


Using cross-cultural protocols Grace will help families (individually and/or together) respectfully and honestly resolve conflicts, improve communication between family members, and arrive at a consensus in a manner that everyone's experiences and points of view are acknowledged and taken into account in the decision-making. When appropriate, Grace will include limpias for each family member in a group setting, and will offer recommendations for family activities that will bolster the work done in her home office. 

Is there a fee for Curanderismo healing sessions?


Curanderismo healing sessions are offered on a sliding scale donation basis with the understanding that in the spirit of respect and reciprocity, those who have more will offer more, and those who have less, will give less. Make your donation in a sincere manner and in a way that you will not feel burdened. In this way, the circle is complete and everyone experiences the blessings generated by your gift. No one who is ill and asks for help in a good way is turned away for lack of funds.

"Although it is a traditional practice amongst our people to compensate the “old one” for his or her services, the one making the request is the one who determines the monetary value and the gifts presented. The amount given and the kinds of gifts given are indicators of how much value or gratitude is felt by the person making the request for help received, but a person who is not able to give an offering is not judged or thought of any less. The reciprocity principle —Aboriginal people taking care of each other— is what is important." (Carter, 2011).

Click here to request an appointment. Once you agree on a day and time, you will be provided instructions on how to prepare for your session.


Grace Sesma is not a physician, psychologist, or nurse. These culture-specific spiritual healing services are not meant to replace medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have. Your information is confidential. With your prior written authorization, she will be happy to discuss your session with any of your health care providers.

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