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Reiki Treatment



Reiki is a beautiful Japanese subtle-energy healing modality used for stress reduction and relaxation that in many cases may also promote healing. It is a hands-on energy healing technique that applies light touch on or above areas of specific pain or discomfort, the body's endocrine and lymphatic systems, major body organs, the vital energy centers (chakras), energy meridians and the human energy field (aura).  The practitioner's hands are placed and held on a series of locations on the head and front and back of the torso. Additional placements on certain areas of the body may also be performed, as needed.

When a Reiki practitioner places her hands on their client's clothed body, Reiki flows through the practitioner into the client. This transfer may be felt as any type of sensation—heat, cold, vibration, tingling, unusual heaviness, or sometimes as no sensation at all. Reiki infuses the body with a concentrated amount of vital life energy (In other cultures, known as Qi, Mana, and Chu'lel)  thereby assisting in the restoration of energetic balance on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels that may have been diminished due to stress, accidents, or trauma. For example, emotional problems may bring about stress reactions in the body; physical conditions may influence psychological states and affect your relationships. Life threatening illnesses create stress not only on the person who is ill, but also on his or her spouse and children.


A full Reiki treatment takes between 45 to 60 minutes. Reiki has specifically been documented to relax muscles, still the mind, and ease pain. Hands-on treatment has been proven to accelerate healing and many health professionals are effectively incorporating the use of Reiki into their individual practices. Treatments take place in Grace's home office or at a distance (non-local healing).


Reiki is not a religion and you do not have to believe in any one system of beliefs to give or receive Reiki. This healing modality is practiced and taught by people of all beliefs and faiths. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and agnostics can all learn, practice, and receive Reiki. 


Those who learn Reiki find that it can be successfully administered very simply in all kinds of settings: home, clinic, hospital, or any place where people experience stressed muscles, accidents, exhaustion, or personal trauma. In the past several years, several programs have been created for AIDS patients, victims of war, and hospice care settings, to name a few. Many hospitals now offer energy healing as a way to reduce pain and enhance the patient's healing.  Because it is non-invasive and has no side effects, it is safe to use in any situation such during pregnancy, for premature babies, or the elderly. 

Individual Reiki treatment sessions in San Diego, California are offered on a sliding scale basis: $60 to $125 for a one-hour session.


Please note that Reiki is not part of Curanderismo. Therefore, no teachings on Curanderismo are given during Reiki classes.



Beautiful in its simplicity, Reiki enhances your meditative and spiritual practice and helps open the pathway to reclaiming your innate ability to improve your health and bring your life more fully into balance. It is non-invasive, very safe and gentle and produces a feeling of relaxation within minutes of a session. Doing self-treatments on a daily basis helps you reduce stress and negativity. You can give yourself a mini treatment while sitting in a chair at work when you feel stressed during the day. Learning reiki give you a new way to use your own healing ability to regain or maintain good health. As a practitioner, you can also help enhance your family's health by regularly giving reiki to your spouse, parents, siblings and children. Even animal companions and plants benefit from treatments. Increasingly reiki and similar energy-based healing techniques are being used in conjunction with conventional medical practices in hospitals and operating rooms. Reiki is not a religion. You do not have to believe in any one system of beliefs to give or receive Reiki. This healing modality is practiced and taught by people of all beliefs and faiths. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and agnostics can all learn, practice, and receive Reiki. 

In reiki, the teacher is referred to as master -- as is common in some Asian traditions. It is important to clarify that the reiki master designation does not mean the teacher has necessarily achieved a high level of spiritual attainment. It simply means the teacher (reiki master) is able to pass attunements which open the student's meridians and channels so that he or she will experience an increase in the energy the student absorbs from the universe. This extra energy flow is automatically transferred from the practitioner to the client when the practitioner places his/her hands on the client. 

Grace has been a Reiki Practitioner since 1996 and a Reiki Master since 1999. Her teaching style is structured, creative, yet informal and set in an environment that is peaceful, harmonious and safe. She enjoys teaching people from all walks of life -- and especially helping students develop their unique healing ability and teaching style.



The structure of the class covers the history, initiation and integration, treating yourself, and treating others. Depending on the number of students the class may last either one day or two days. You will receive a Certificate of Completion (necessary to advance to the next level), a Reiki First Degree Practitioner's Manual, and a guided self-treatment meditation CD hat you will use daily for the following 21 days. You will be eligible to take Reiki Level 2 after three months of integration, self-treatments, and practice.

When you register, you will be provided a class outline and a suggested reading list. The book, The Ethics of Caring: Honoring the Web of Life in Our Professional Healing Relationships by Kylea Taylor is required reading for all levels of training. It is expected that you will read at least one of the books on the reading list prior to the start of the class. In this way more class time is spent in discussing and exploring actual hands-on self-treatments. You will also perform a treatment on a fellow student and participate in a group treatment session. Among the topics that will be discussed and practice are grounding, spiritual self-care and protection, ethics in and out of non-ordinary states of awareness, and maintaining one's boundaries. Handouts that are part of the manual provided, include charts for self-treatments, treating people, plants, and animal companions. 

Grace’s experience and many years of training and giving reiki attunements helps her understand and honor the emotions the Reiki attunement may evoke for both the student and the teacher. You will leave the class with self-confidence knowing that the ability to heal is an innate part of who you are, and that you have the ability to do it.  Tuition: $250 per person.



During the Reiki Second Degree class, you are attuned to the three traditional reiki symbols, their pronunciation and how to draw each correctly. You will learn how to use the symbols to give yourself treatments; and you will learn how to heal at a distance (also known as non-local healing) by using the reiki symbols. We will explore the various ways we can use the symbols while treating people at a distance, and the use of symbols as a focus for uncovering, and releasing, emotional blocks.


You must have completed and demonstrated proficiency in Reiki Level One (either with Grace or another Reiki Master) to register for this class. Time is set aside for a thorough discussion of the ethics of healing others, both in person and at a distance. The time for this class can be structured to meet everyone's needs.

Tuition: $300



Students must have completed demonstrated proficiency in Reiki Level One and Reiki Level Two in order to go on to Master Practitioner, and Master Teacher levels. The Reiki Master Teacher Class prepares you to teach all levels of Reiki. This is two days of interactive classes which include:

  • Class Materials

  • The complete Usui/Tibetan Master attunement

  • Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I, II, III, and Reiki Master Teacher

  • The Healing Attunement 

  • Lots of practice time doing attunements

  • How to give yourself attunements

  • Reiki Master values and ethics.

A class manual is included that gives detailed steps for giving all the attunements. Additional Requirements:  Students must submit a written description of a minimum of three client session practices/observations (Minus any identifying information). Details will be provided upon inquiry.

Reiki Training: Beginner to Master Levels


(619) 486-7363.

© Griselda (Grace) Alvarez Sesma, 2007 to present. All rights reserved.
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