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Reiki Treatment


Code of Ethics for Reiki Practitioners

Provide a safe, soothing and comfortable healing environment for Reiki sessions and classes. 


Treat all clients with utmost respect. Practitioners agree not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or gender.


Keep confidential any information shared between client and practitioner during the session.


Provide a brief oral description of what happens during a session and what to expect before a client’s initial session; and provide A Consent to Treat form for the client to read and sign before the start of their session that briefly outlines what the client can expect during the session, and gives the client the opportunity to ask for clarification, if needed.


Respect the integrity of the client and carry out Reiki treatments while the client is fully clothed unless Reiki is being integrated into a licensed massage session. Under no circumstances is there to be any sexual contact between the client and the practitioner.


Educate clients and students on the value of Reiki and explain that sessions do not guarantee a cure, nor are they a substitute for qualified medical or professional care. Reiki can be an important part of a wellness program. Refer clients to qualified licensed healthcare and/or mental health professionals when appropriate.


Reiki is a subtle-energy healing modality that can support the body’s own healing abilities, and not as a ‘cure’ for physical ailments.


Do not to diagnose or prescribe under any circumstances, or interfere with treatments under the guidance of qualified licensed professionals.


Clearly explain any other healing modalities incorporated into the Reiki healing session.


Empower clients and students to educate and heal themselves and encourage and assist them in the development of their work.


Respect all lineages of Reiki and honor the beliefs and practices of other Reiki practitioners.

(619) 486-7363.

© Griselda (Grace) Alvarez Sesma, 2007 to present. All rights reserved.
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