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Maestra Grace
Jul 3, 2021
Medicine Dreams & Being a Good Guest
I am often asked how I embarked on this path of the heart, the path of Curanderismo, so when I was invited by my Yoeme/Yaqui relatives...

Maestra Grace
Feb 3, 2021
Nuestra cultura proteje, cura, y mantiene nuestra salud.
I protect you. You protect me. Together we protect our family and community. Right now many of us who are blessed to be able to stay home...

Maestra Grace
Dec 16, 2020
The Winter Solstice & the Birth of Huitzilopochtli
"The allegorical story is told that when the moon, Coyolxauhqui, along with her brothers Tzentzowitznawac found out that their mother...
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